Friday, January 25, 2008

Tax Breaks for Mullets? Yes! Tax Breaks for Mullets!

A main part of the political platform of the Strange Cal Stankovich party is a strong advocacy of generous tax breaks for those of our citizens who are brave enough to sport mullets. Say, a $50,000 rebate? Truly the lion's mane of human haircuts, the mullet is not only a symbol of independent thinking and maturity, but it also stands for the basic attitude of the American people: business in the front, party in the back. We shall have to standardize the back-to-front hair length ratio in order for this tax break to be administered fairly. I hereby call for a 2-to-5 front to back length ratio!

Let it hence forth be known that the Strange Cal Stankovich party advocates the 2-to-5 ratio!

Another part of the platform will be that anyone who wants--or even suggests that they want--to regulate what cows eat for emissions control shall be shot out of a circus cannon...into a pool of pirhana carcasses. Since this might be a bit hard to get a hold of at any given time, any fish will do. Or just some slaughterhouse waste of any kind.

On a similar note, we will support tax rebates for people who eat beans more than once a week.

Also, survivor benefits will only be paid to relatives of people who were killed by maniacs with a large candy cane, either real or synthetic. Use of any other weapon in the homicide shall result in no compensation. Beware candy-cane killers!

Finally, special tax rebates for all alien-abductees, both rumored and confirmed. It is time we brought the alien abduction problem in the country out into the open. DOWN WITH MARS, UP WITH EARTH! Forget protecting the border. Let's protect our skys. Let's protect those poor hapless yokels who happen to be violated by malicious and oversexed martians. It's not their fault they're so attractive to aliens.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Yakov Smirnof, Monk, Taped Pants, and Humans outlasting the Universe--a logical unit?

ITEM: We saw a girl today that seemed to have her pants held up with, not a belt or suspenders, but with tape. Tape? A strange choice, to say the least. We considered the logic of this choice. (We all live in a yellow submarine.) Of course, tape is less sustainable than a belt. It's likely not very biodegradable, and you have to use a ton of it, provided you planned to take your pants off regularly. You only need one belt for several uses. Perhaps superglue instead of tape? No, we thought. That would be horribly painful. Every time you took off your pants, you'd take off skin. Eventually, you would develop wounds which would become infected by dirt and whatnot, compounded with the chemicals of the superglue, eventually giving you flesh-eating bacteria or something. CONCLUSION: Tape and superglue are less desirable for holding up your pants than a belt.

ITEM: On a related note, could a human outlast the universe? Could one be outside the universe watching it shrink into the big crunch--a dimensionless point of pure energy? Is that God? Can science take us that far? Time will tell. Maybe within the next 15 years we'll have an answer.

ITEM: "This world we love just might kill you." Just a pleasant thought for you to think about. Enjoy!

ITEM: Yakov Smirnoff. Is he related to that guy who invented that vodka? In Russia, does vodka invent you? Are Yakov Smirnoff's 15 minutes of fame up? We do know that he's alive and performing in Branson, MO. Thank god!

QUESTION: Is America a shining city on a hill? Isn't it a country? Thoughts?

CLOSING THOUGHT: Could you make so many people mad that you could literally be a "man without a country?" Or is every government for sale? Try it out and get back to us.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Who worshipped God before God created people ?

I guess God worshipped himself before God created people . Does that make God an egotist ?
Does anyone care about this topic ?